Before proceeding, please ensure you carefully review the following documents:
About the ART Registry
The use of a fully transparent registry system is fundamental to carbon market credibility. ART operates a transparent and secure registry system for the registration of verified REDD+ emission reduction and removal results issued as serialized carbon credits. The registry records the transfer, retirement and cancellation of credits, each representing one metric ton of CO2-equivalent.
ART issues on its registry TREES Credits that have been independently verified to meet the measurement, monitoring, reporting and safeguards requirements of its jurisdictional crediting standard TREES, The REDD+ Environmental Excellence Standard. The ART Registry also allows for the issuance of credits that meet requirements of the World Bank’s Forest Carbon Partnership Facility FCPF Standard for the quantification, monitoring, reporting, and verification of emission reductions from jurisdictional REDD+ activities. FCPF credits are issued in the World Bank’s own registry (Carbon Assets Tracking System [CATS]), and REDD+ countries may cancel these in CATS with the purpose of re-issuing them on the ART Registry for further transaction.
ART ensures transparency by requiring that REDD+ program registration and verification documents be made public. We ensure no double counting or double selling by serializing credits and by linking to online public credit issuance, credit retirement and credit cancellation reports.
The contracting of TREES Credits and FCPF Credits takes place directly between buyer and seller through over-the-counter (OTC) transactions outside of the Registry system or on an approved, linked exchange or market platform. Counter-parties record the transfer of ownership, retirement or cancellation of Credits within the ART Registry.
ART Registry Fee Structure
The ART Registry Fee Structure is available here.
Opening an ART Registry Account
All jurisdictional REDD+ programs, validation and verification bodies, and entities that will take ownership of Credits must have an ART Registry account.
The process for opening an ART Registry account is initiated online and typically takes one to two weeks for approval once all required documentation is received. Each approved account will receive an Account Manager login.
The steps involved in the Account Opening process are detailed below.
Step 1 - Review Registry Documents
Step 2 - Determine the Appropriate Authority
For governments, determine the government entity that has the appropriate authority to enter into a legal agreement with ART as the ART Registry account holder. For both governments and non-government entities, determine the individual who has the appropriate authority to legally bind the account holder organization and serve as ART account manager.
Step 3 - Begin the ART Account Opening Process
To begin the ART Account Opening process, click here.
From the drop-down menu at the bottom, select the appropriate Account Type from the options:
- Sovereign Program Developer: Authorized government entities that plan to submit REDD+ programs for ART registration
- Transaction Account: Entities that plan to purchase, hold, transfer and/or retire ART credits.
- Verifier: Approved ART validation and verification bodies
Then click the “Continue Registration” button. Note: this will open a new browser window.
Step 4 - ART Terms of Use Agreement
The designated Account Manager must electronically execute the online ART Terms of Use Agreement.
Step 5 - Complete New Account Application Form
- Upon executing the ART Terms of Use, the account manager will be presented with an online New Account Application Form
- Complete all required fields, which are noted by an asterisk (*)
- When complete, click “Submit”
Step 6 - Activate the Account
- Upon submitting the New Account Application form, the Account Manager will receive an Account Activation email
- The Account Manager must activate the account to notify the ART Administrator of the account application
- The Account Manager will receive a list of required documents to be submitted for review.
- Email the ART Administrator ( copies of requested documents
Step 7 - Application Review by ART Administrator
- The ART Administrator will review the account application
- If the account application is complete and approved, an Account Approval email will be sent to the designated Account Manager at the email address provided in the New Account Application form
- If materials are incomplete or additional information is required, the ART Administrator will notify the Account Manager
Step 8 - Access the ART Registry
Approved and preliminarily approved accounts may begin using the ART Registry.